Monday, February 4, 2008


Tate is 3 years old today!!

We cannot believe how fast time has flown by and how quickly he has grown up! Tate is seriously the funniest little guy ever! He had a great birthday today! Here are a few pictures of birthday morning following the rope to his gifts... and our night at Chuck E Cheese. We LOVE you very much Tater Man! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Jill said...

I knew there was something extra special about yesterday! (It's also Rog & Coze anniversary). I can't believe he's 3!!!!! Your kids are to cute. Tell Kev it's time for another! Give Tater a squeeze from us!

The Peterson 5 said...

I love your little Tate! He is so cute & funny! Tell him Happy Birthday from us. Thank you for always being so sweet to our family. We are grateful to have such great neighbors!!!

Natallee said...

WOW, he is 3??? Man, these kids get big fast. I hope you all had a great day!! I've been missing you!!

Lauren B. said...

What a cute boy! It looks like he had a really fun day. Happy Birthday Tate!

Do anything you can afford said...

Happy Birthday to Tate. It's so fun that all these little ones are 3. Brandon is the next one in our family. They're are great fun. We love reading about your cute family. Miss you folks - hope your mom had a great day, too.

Roger Gibson said...

I love his nickname - Taterman! Anyway, to answer your question, I downloaded digital paper from a website called digital design essentials. Their link is on my blog. There are lots of other sites but I found this one to be cheapest. I wonder if you can scan paper and do it that way also??